SolvChem distributes a range of industrial-grade alcohols useful in countless sectors. As far as fuels go, alcohols have long been among the most favored chemicals. As versatile and useful as they are, the handling of alcohol products can be a significant challenge. Read on to learn more about alcohols and why it pays to trust SolvChem with your chemical handling needs.
What Qualifies As an Alcohol?
From denatured ethanol to isopropanol, alcohols vary by type and application. Generally speaking, alcohols are chemicals derived from sources such as natural gas and petroleum. They can be blended and modified for industrial and commercial uses. Alcohols typically fall into one of four major categories: methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and glycerol.
Within those categories, alcohols can be blended for specific applications. Our list of alcohol-based products includes:
- 2- Ethyl Hexanol
- Butanol
- Denatured Ethanol
- Diacetone Alcohol
- Haltanol
- Isobutanol
- Isopropanol
- Methanol
- Methyl Amyl Alcohol
- Propanol
- Secondary Butanol
- Tertiary Butanol
- UCAR Filmer IBT
- Solvchem Ester
At SolvChem, we have a thorough understanding of each category of alcohol and help to ensure safe handling and distribution.
Industrial Uses for Quality Alcohol Products
While alcohols have long been an industry favorite when it comes to combustion, the list of applications goes on and on. Whatever your industry, chances are good that you are using industrial-grade alcohols in some capacity. Common uses include cleaners, cosmetics, fuels, pharmaceuticals, textiles and much more. You’ll also find alcohols in antifreeze, solvents, dyes and inks. Almost every industry uses an alcohol-based product in some capacity.
As one of the leading alcohol and bulk methanol suppliers, SolvChem helps you secure the right product, whatever your application.
The Challenges of Safe Chemical Handling
Alcohols fall into a category of hazardous materials, and only seasoned professionals should handle them. Handlers must ensure that chemicals are uncontaminated, and that workers and customers are kept as safe as possible.
Here are just a few considerations:
- From blending to shipping, alcohols must be safely handled. That means preventing leaks, limiting human exposure and much more.
- Chemicals of all kinds must be safely stored, and alcohols are no exception. Trained professionals can guarantee proper storage that takes into account factors such as temperature and proximity to other chemicals.
- In addition to internal logistics, alcohols and other hazardous chemicals must be safely transported to the customer.
At SolvChem, we adhere to the highest safety standards. Our team helps to ensure safety at every level.
SolvChem Is Here to Meet Your Chemical Needs
Whether it’s alcohols or oils, chemical handling takes expertise. At SolvChem, we have that expertise and much more. Our highly skilled chemists and material handlers understand the unique challenges of supplying quality chemicals. We have earned a solid reputation for safety and customer service. If you are interested in learning more about the alcohol products we offer, or if you would like to get a better understanding of what the SolvChem team can do for you, contact us today.